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Photo Gallery

Please enjoy our Family Photo Gallery. This is just a beginning with some older photos of family members and past reunions. More historical photos will be added as well as new current photos. If you have some photos you would like to see posted here send them to me by email attachment to  Dennise Hoover or send the photo by regular mail and I will scan it and return the original to you.

Click each thumbnail to see the full-size picture, and then use your web browser's back button to return to this page.


J. A. Amonett Family, Comanche Co., 1918

Octivie Irwin Amonett (Grandmother), about 1955

Grandmother and her daughters and daughters-in-law, about 1951.

Derwood and Berlyn (Glen) Amonett, Flomot, Tx, about 1930

J. A. Amonett grandchildren and great grandchildren, 1955.

More J. A. Amonett Grandchildren, 1955

Red (Thayne) and others at J. A. Amonetts, 1955

Bud Stevens Family, May, 1963

Red West Family, May, 1963

Willis and Eunice, May, 1962

Aunt Mart and family, 1962

Bud Stevens Family, 1962

Posey Amonett family, 1962

Audrey Amonett with sons Derwood, and Berlyn, about 1932

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