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Family Recipes


Did you know that people who bake pies have a blood pressure level one-third lower than that of society at large. When you bake a pie, you can't help but smile and feel in harmony with the world. (Well, maybe not one third lower, but it ought to be!).

Just for fun here is one of the many famous recipes from the renowned "Breaking Bread With The Amonetts" family cookbook. We will feature different recipes each month. If you have a new recipe you want to share, send it in!



German Chocolate Cake

by Audrey Kee Amonett


1 cup butter

2 cups sugar

5 eggs, separated

1 bar of German Chocolate, melted

1 tsp vanilla

2&1/2 cups flour sifted three times

1 tsp soda

1 cup buttermilk with soda


Cream butter and sugar well, add beaten egg yolks and chocolate. Alternate flour and milk and beat well. Add stiffly beaten egg whites and bake 350 degrees for 30 minutes  in 3 or 4 well greased layer pans.


Icing:  3 eggs                     1 cup sugar

1 cup whipping cream        1 cup nuts

1 cup coconut angel flake coconut

2 tsp butter


Beat eggs and sugar. Put cream in double boiler then add sugar and egg mixture. Cook until thick. Remove from fire and add butter, nuts and coconut.


The clock of life is wound but once,

and no man has the power

to tell just when the hands will stop,

at late or early hour.

Now is the time you own,

Live, love, toil with a will;

Place no faith in tomorrow,

For the clock may then be still..