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Small Fry - Amonett reunion, 1964

Bill & Nelda Loyd & Girls April, 1964 Reunion

Arvil Lee & Wanda Faye Campbell & Girls April, 1964 Reunion

Eldon, Brenda & Wanda Amonett April, 1964 Reunion

Old Home in Motley County (front), 1965. Leo Amonett family lived here 1926 - 1940.

Old Home on Motley Co. (back) farm, 1965, Leo Amonetts lived here 1926-1940. Shows the $50 room added in about 1938.

J.A. Amonett Home, Motley Co. farm, 1965

The old horse lot and barn on the Motley Co. farm. 1965.

Wild plums in Motley county. Makes the best jam ever.

Earl and Earline Whitaker and family, 1971 reunion in Petersburg.

The West Kids, Amonett Reunion 1964

Mrs. Willis Amonett & Famly, Amonett Reunion 1973

Mrs. Posey Amonett & Family, Amonett Reunion 1973